Our most popular Facebook posts are Wednesday's "What's in the Attic with Jim?" There we explore some of the unusual photos or artifacts that Curator Jim has in our collection.
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So who is Jim? Our volunteer Curator, Jim Hodges, is a native New Bernian and retired dentist, who believes working at the Historical Society is the greatest senior day care ever! Jim manages the 7000+ photos, documents, and artifacts in our collection, which means he's often found upstairs in the attic unearthing a new find.
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim?” Jim has been practicing “social distancing” and has been up in the attic again. Here is a ration book, ration card and ration token from World War II. War ration […]
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim? Jim has probably shared this before, but it is such a bucolic scene. This is another post card, courtesy of the Ernest Richardson III Collection. It is East Front […]
Calling All Car Lovers! It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim?” Jim Hodges, our Curator, has a nice collection of New Bern postcards from all different eras. This one, from the Ernest Richardson III Collection, is particularly […]
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim?” Since there is a prediction of snow in Eastern Carolina, Jim wanted to show you some photos to know that this has happened before-not frequently, but enough that we have […]
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim?” This is a Metal Mast fitting from a Union gunboat recovered from Fort Thompson during Battle of New Bern 14 Mar 1862. Presented to the Historical Society by Charles Kassay. […]
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim”? This post hits home for our Curator, Jim Hodges. 1960 was the 50th Anniversary of scouting in America and it was celebrated at the 5th National Boy Scout Jamboree in […]
Happy New Year! It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim?” These always seem to be our most popular posts. Jim Hodges, our volunteer Curator, has […]
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the attic with Jim”? It’s Thanksgiving tomorrow and lots of folks are traveling and staying in hotels on their way to visiting with their families. In days gone by, the Gaston Hotel was the […]
It is Wednesday, so “What is in the Attic with Jim?” Postcards! Our thanks to Ernest Richardson III, local attorney, who allowed us to copy many beautiful vintage postcards from his collection. These cards which feature hundreds of scenes from the […]
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