
This Month in New Bern History – April 2024

From New Bern to Lincoln’s Assassination – A Curious Connection by Claudia Houston, Historian, New Bern Historical Society “You can’t make this up” describes our article this month. This story was inspired by an email we received from a computer history researcher in Bulgaria. His email concerned Dr. Joseph Bell Alexander, an inventor of note

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This Month in New Bern History – March 2024

Black Soldiers in the Cause of Freedom by Claudia Houston, Historian, New Bern Historical Society Soldiers at the siege of Yorktown, including 1st Rhode Island Regiment soldier (left), 1781 Illustration by Jean-Baptiste-Antoine DeVerger On March 5, 1770, British troops fired into a crowd of American colonists in Boston, Massachusetts. Five men were killed, including Crispus

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This Month in New Bern History – February 2024

Giving Diligence its Due by Claudia Houston, Historian, New Bern Historical Society Did you know that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton features in one of Gertrude Carraway’s list of impressive New Bern Firsts?* This connection dates back to Treasury Secretary Hamilton’s 1790 establishment of a revenue cutter service, the precursor to the United States Coast Guard.

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This Month in New Bern History – December 2023

To Love and to Cherish, ’til Death do us Part by Claudia Houston, Historian, New Bern Historical Society Photo courtesy of Afroculture.net Our 3d annual History Quest historical scavenger hunt featured the touching story of Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher, a local couple buried side by side in a small James City cemetery. The Fishers have the

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This Month in New Bern History – November 2023

Giving Thanks in the Midst of War by Claudia Houston, Historian, New Bern Historical Society   Alfred R Waud sketch, Thanksgiving 1861, courtesy of the Library of Congress via www.ancientfaces.com   During November our thoughts often turn to family, food and home in preparation for Thanksgiving. Although we often associate the story of the Pilgrims’

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This Month in New Bern History – Oct 2023

With a Name Like Schmocker… er, Bern, It Has to be Good by Claudia Houston, Historian, New Bern Historical Society New Bern, NC City Hall clock tower; photo courtesy https://downtownnewbernhistory. blogspot.com/2012/06 The April 1, 1982, New Bern Sun Journal newspaper had an interesting article about the number of towns, cities, townships, and other geographic entities

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