It's Wednesday and the start of Women's History Month, so.... What’s in the Attic with Jim?
Jim recently came across this wonderful edition of “The Ladies Home Journal” dating back to August 1905. The Ladies Home Journal was first published in February of 1883 and went on to become one of the leading women’s magazines of the 20th century in the United States, remaining in circulation until 2016.
What is most fascinating about this particular issue is that upon closer inspection, we discovered that it was addressed to Mr. James Washington Moore of 101 Pollock Street. That’s J. W. Moore – the father of Mrs. Maude Moore Latham! Maude is certainly an influential woman in history, regarded as a cultural leader and benefactor for her lifelong commitment to the restoration and preservation of historic sites. Maude often recalled accounts related to her by her father as they took walks around town of the role New Bern played in the history of colonial North Carolina. Sometimes they passed the surviving west wing of Tryon Palace, and she secretly harbored the hope that the whole palace might someday be restored. By 1945, Maude was elected chairman of the Tryon Palace Commission and devoted her remaining years to the restoration efforts of Tryon Palace as it stands today. It seems very possible that a young Maude would have enjoyed an August afternoon turning the pages of this Ladies Home Journal, maybe sipping a Pepsi, while visiting her parents on Pollock Street…
We are very excited to host our upcoming Lunch & Learn on March 15th with guest presenter Lindy Cummings to learn more about Maude Moore Latham and other prominent women in New Bern’s history! #newbernhistoricalsociety #newbernnc #WomensHistoryMonth #womeninhistory